YOSION Machinery Committed to stable performance automatic pet bottle blowing machine production line since 1990s

Blowing Machine

The localization of blow molding machines is the only way for the development of the industry

by:Yosion Machinery     2022-05-07
With the continuous development of the pharmaceutical industry, the pharmaceutical field pays more attention to the quality and aesthetics of packaging, which will impose higher production requirements on the blow molding machine industry, including the emergence of development trends such as energy saving and environmental protection, and the transformation and upgrading of domestic blow molding machines. Already imperative. The quality of the blowing equipment determines the final molding effect of the plastic bottle, especially the sealing angle is very important. Domestic high-end blowing equipment is very scarce, and the high price of imported equipment has greatly increased the production cost of related enterprises. The United States has always been a giant in plastic machinery manufacturing, occupying about 24% of the world market, followed by Germany and Japan. Although China is a country with a large demand for medicinal plastic bottles, its manufacturing level, especially the production capacity of high-end blow molding machines, is still relatively backward. Industry insiders pointed out that the industrial requirements of medicinal plastic bottles are very high, light weight, high strength, not easy to break, good sealing performance, moisture-proof, hygienic, and can be directly used in pharmaceutical packaging without cleaning and drying after one-time molding. The global competitive advantage of American plastic blow molding machines lies in the high reliability, flexibility and safety of the machinery itself, as well as the cost of use and reliability services. Relevant experts pointed out that the injection-stretch-blowing equipment used in the production of PET bottles in China is basically the world of imported products, especially in the production of high-speed and large-volume products, domestic equipment cannot compete. It is worth mentioning that there are very few manufacturers that can produce large-capacity PET hot-fill bottle blowing machines. It seems that only ASB's multiple blowing process has achieved satisfactory results. Domestic equipment urgently needs to improve product quality and technical level. Relevant domestic enterprises should accelerate technology learning from advanced countries such as the United States, continue to strengthen quality awareness and quality management, build a product quality index system that is compatible with international standards or standards of industrially developed countries, and at the same time strengthen the improvement of independent innovation capabilities, and complete domestic innovation. Localization of bottle equipment.
are an important part of the society and they come in handy in any place where there are plastic blowing machine manufacturers in need of bottle making machine.
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The blowing machine maker bottle blowing machine has significantly numerous benefits over other pet bottle machine price systems, which makes it first choice for pet bottle manufacturing machine.
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