YOSION Machinery Committed to stable performance automatic pet bottle blowing machine production line since 1990s

Blowing Machine

The development of the bottle blowing machine market needs to integrate new thinking, bottle blowing machine-professional manufacturer of bottle blowing machine

by:Yosion Machinery     2021-05-28
Now, more and more bottle blowing machine manufacturers have begun the pace of internationalization. Almost all bottle blowing machine manufacturers will have full-time sales managers in foreign trade. Indeed, in overseas markets, blow molding machine manufacturers have a broader space for development. The bottle blowing machine industry is entering the era of intelligence and data. Now, we are entering the era of intelligence and data. The arrival of big data has provided us with unlimited space for the future. For the development of bottle blowing machines, the trend of intelligent and digital equipment is imperative. The intelligentization of the bottle blowing machine is to make the bottle blowing machine more intelligently complete more work, reduce the investment of human resources, and make the plastic bottle blowing process more convenient, so that the users of the bottle blowing machine equipment can obtain it with the least investment Greater returns. For the digitization of the bottle blowing machine, the bottle blowing machine manufacturers need to invest more energy, through the collection and analysis of the terminal big data production data, so that the production of the bottle blowing machine can form big data, and through the analysis of these data, In the future, the production of the bottle blowing machine will produce guidance, which will have a positive effect on the future development and improvement of the bottle blowing machine. As a traditional industry, the blow molding machine industry has been in a relatively slow development situation for some time in the past. Now, the continuous emergence of new technology knowledge requires blow molding machine manufacturers to update their thinking and integrate. It is very important for bottle blowing machine companies to build after-sales service systems. In addition to understanding the various parameters of overseas markets, it is also important to make timely adjustments to the products. Another magic weapon to conquer overseas markets is after-sales service. For a person who wants to invest in the establishment of a plastic bottle factory, buying a blow molding machine with high cost performance, stable quality and timely post-service is a matter that needs to be solved urgently. For blow molding machines, many companies are very unfamiliar with the introduction of after-sales mechanisms. Therefore, how to quickly understand the problems encountered by customers during use is particularly critical, and more importantly, the follow-up of the later service of this machine. This is difficult to understand. For a long time, foreign blow molding machine companies such as sidel have been technologically leading domestic blow molding machines. After nearly 30 years of development, domestic blow molding machine companies have made considerable progress, and the equipment manufacturing level of some companies has been comparable to foreign blow molding machine companies. For the choice of the bottle blowing machine, it is not only necessary to have your requirements in terms of manufacturing technology. There are higher requirements for the after-sales of the bottle blowing machine. After a qualified bottle blowing machine company sells, it is also responsible for the assembly of the bottle blowing machine and the relevant guidance for bottle blowing training. At the same time, there must be perfect after-sales service outlets for the blow molding machine, and timely follow-up on the maintenance of the blow molding machine. All of these require the blow molding machine company to have a complete after-sales system, which cannot be established overnight. What is gratifying is that at present, some large domestic blow molding machine companies have been continuously constructing and improving their after-sales service systems. The overseas market of bottle blowing machine 'step by step' the overseas market of bottle blowing machine is not the blue ocean as imagined. From the perspective of European and American markets, it is difficult for manufacturers of foreign trade in the blow molding machine market of these countries to enter. Because the traditional well-known companies of bottle blowing machines are basically gathered in these countries. Moreover, these countries often have strict standards for blow molding products, and naturally have high requirements for various parameters of the blow molding machine. Most of the domestic blow molding machine manufacturers have a certain gap with the traditional blow molding machine manufacturers in these countries, so it is difficult to enter this market. Asian, African and Latin American countries have relatively low technical requirements for bottle blowing machines. They are more concerned about the price of bottle blowing machines, which is the main opportunity for domestic bottle blowing machine manufacturers. However, in these markets, some well-known multinational companies in the European and American blow molding machines have already had their layout, and there is still competition.
Wow, this sounds like a bit of a cruel question, but it is a vitally important question to ask yourself if you are struggling with your pet bottle making machine manufacturers and you would like to stop the bottle blowing machine problem.
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