

YOSION Machinery Committed to stable performance automatic pet bottle blowing machine production line since 1990s

Blowing Machine

Technology development of bottle blowing machine

by:Yosion Machinery     2020-09-18
Bottle blowing machine technology development of beverage enterprises for bottle blowing device has two big one is the urgent demand due to raw material prices continue to rise, lived a beverage enterprises how to reduce the packaging cost to achieve the maximization of profit, so you need to use advanced bottle blowing equipment to produce lighter bottle; Secondly, as the market is changing with each passing day, beverage production enterprise must to drink more and more flexible response of short life cycle, and at the same time in the production of PET bottle is increasingly frequent product update problems, in the process of production need time to replace the mold to a minimum. These two urgent demand to bottle blowing equipment suppliers out a lot of problems. The closed loop ( 闭环) Technology refers to the attachment to check the process parameters of integration in the drawing of the bottle blowing machine process control system, to form a closed, and the combination of automatic control and automatic adjustment of the production cycle. Intelligent machine control technology designed to improve the quality of bottle blowing machine security system. Through the use of AgrPETWallplus monitoring system for bottle preform such as bottles of wall thickness for monitoring various data. At work, deviating from the system of rating data will be immediately identified, this information will be promptly sent to the bottle blowing machine bottle of billet heating unit control system, control system will quickly reflect and individually controlled heating furnace in the rating of the heating tubes. So even if the bottles of different data, the initial set of process parameters remain unchanged, under the condition of producing bottle quality is stable and reliable.
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